Here at’s new, world headquarters in Niagara, WI we have been bouncing ideas around as to what to do with the Combinations and Permuations brand since the original show has now run its course. I am happy to say that we now know: We are going to turn Combinations and Permtutations into a first person storytelling and collage show. Every couple of weeks I will post a request for stories on some sort of topic, and any one who has a story that relates can call into the skype account name ACMEScience, leave a voicemail, and I will edit together a story collage from those voicemails. Not only that I already have my first request for stories right now.
I want you to call in and tell me about a teacher or a class that got you really worked up about mathematics.
I do want to be clear, this can be a story about getting worked up in a good or bad way, for example it could be a class that made you super angry or the teacher that made you decide to study it as your vocation. Also, and this is important, you do not have to be a mathematician or math student to call in, I want everyone to take part in this project. If you have a story to contribute all you have to do is log into skype, add ACMEScience, and leave me a voicemail with the story on it. If this does not work for you, just record your story and send it to me via
I really look forward to your stories, and we are all happy to get Combinations and Permutations back off the ground.
Download the Episode
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”CP is Back” dl=”0″]’s *new world* headquarters? I suppose it’s fashionable to have an outpost in the colonies these days.