By samuel

Strongly Connected Components Episode 41: Robert Ghrist


On this week’s episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen is joined by Prof. Robert Ghrist of the University of Pennsylvania. They talk about how one goes from engineering into mathematics, just how you can apply topology, and a Funny Little Calculus Text. To find more out about Prof. Ghrist please head on over to his website or follow him on Twitter.

Also, please support the Relatively Prime Kickstarter Project!

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Combinations and Permutations Episode 69: A Taste of SCC

Samuel Hansen was unable to get his fellow guests together so today on Combinations and Permutations we feature two interviews from our sister show Strongly Connected Components, Daina Taimina and David Spiegelhalter.

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Daina Taimina is the author of “Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes” and Professor at Cornell Univerity. She and Samuel talk about how crochet can model hyperbolic geometry and the importance of just doing mathematics, as well as its history. To find out more about Daina Taimina and her work visit her website.

David Spiegelhalter is the Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk, as well as Senior Scientist in the MRC Biostatistics Unit. He and Samuel discuss the true meaning of risk, the importance of the Bayesian Method, how to get a lot of citations, and even a bit about the bookies. To find out more about Professor Spiegelhalter check out his website and look at his stained glass work.

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 40: Tanya Khovanova


On this episode of Strongly Connected components Samuel Hansen has a conversation with Visiting Scholar and Research Affiliate at MIT, Tanya Khovanova. They talk about the Math Olympiads, the IAS’s Women and Mathematics program, and even gossip a bit about numbers. To find out more about Tanya Khovanova please visit her website, read her wonderful blog, and definitely visit the site Number Gossip.

Also, please support the Relatively Prime Kickstarter Project!

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 39: John D. Cook


On this episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen has a conversation with John D. Cook Research Statistician at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. They talk about very applied mathematics, the difference of just in time and just in case learning, and how to have a wonderfully broad career. To find out more about John D. Cook be sure to go to his website, read his blog The Endeavour, and follow his, and his tip, twitter accounts.

Also, please support the Relatively Prime Kickstarter Project!

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 38: Chaim Goodman-Strauss


Samuel Hansen is joined this week by Chaim Goodman Strauss, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Arkansas and host of the Math Factor Podcast. There is a lot of mutual podcast love, some talk about the importance of teaching teachers, and a long, winding road to puzzles. To find out more about Professor Strauss visit his website, look at his art, or head on over to The Math Factor and while you are there be sure to catch up on old episodes of the podcast.

Also, please support the Relatively Prime Kickstarter Project!

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