By samuel

Strongly Connected Components Episode 30: James Grime

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On the newest Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen calls up James Grime the the Enigma Project Officer for the Millenium Mathematics Project at Crambridge. They discuss the Enigma Project, the importance TV can play in mathematical inspiration, and a certain mathematical youtube channel. To find out more about these topics check out the Enigma Project, James’s website, his twitter, and his youtube channel.

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Combinations and Permutations Episode 62: Jeff Goldblum on a Tilt-a-Whirl

On today’s Combinations and Permutations your host Samuel Hansen is joined by Brandon Metz, Sean Breckling, and Juan Mariscal for a conversation that was doomed from the start thanks to its sensitivity to initial conditions. In one of the most tangential conversations in months they try to talk about chaos, but get so often derailed it is hard to tell if they even remember the topic by the end. Also, please remember to send your I listen and I hate you emails to be entered into the drawing for a signed picture of Samuel getting stomped on.

Topics Discussed:
Chaos Theory
Strange Attractors
Tilt-a-Whirls (Part 2)

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 29: Edmund Harriss


For today’s Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen is joined by Edmund Harriss, visiting Professor of Mathematics at the University of Arkansas. They discuss Edmund Harriss’s rather public job search, a conspiracy designed to corrupt people into mathematics, and the similarities between mathematics and art. Be sure to check out Harriss’s public job application and to read his very entertaining and informative twitter and blog.

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Combinations and Permutations Episode 61: It’s all in the Family

Your intrepid host Samuel Hansen is joined on today’s Combinations and Permutation by Cody Palmer and Bradon Metz to talk about the most prolific mathematical family of all time, the Bernoulli’s.

Here are some links to the topics we covered:
Bernoulli Family Tree
Nicolaus I
Nicolaus II
Johann II
Johan III
Jacob II
Herman Hesse

Also be sure to send samuel (at) an email describing your ideal math descendant orgy, follow acmescience on twitter for more information about C&P, and please leave us an iTunes review(we will even make sure you are mentioned on the show).

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 28: Rebecca Goldin


For today’s Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen was joined by Professor Rebecca Golding of George Mason Universty and the Director of Research for STATS. They discussed just what got her into mathematics, her work with STATS, and Samuel asked some very clichéd questions to which she responded with wonderfully unclichéd answers. To find out more about Professor Goldin please check out her website or visit STATS.

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