By samuel

Combinations and Permutations Episode 49: The Forbes 25th Ranked Mathematical Podcast

Samuel Hansen got Combinations and Permutations All-Stars Nathan Rowe and Anthony Sellari, as well as young starlet Eric Everstine together this week to talk about 3 pieces of very important Mathematical News.

Russian Math Genius Ignores $1 Million Dollar Prize
Go Figure: Maths is No Longer in its Prime
Computing’s Killer Problem

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Combinations and Permutations episode 50 Sketch Outtakes

For the 50th episode of Combinations and Permutations we are going to try something completely different, and it is going to include sketches. Cody Palmer, Juan mariscal, and Samuel Hansen sat around a couple weeks ago and wrote some sketches and what follows is the unedited version of Juan’s version of a sketch called Kronecker’s Intervention. Enjoy!

Download the file here


Combinations and Permutations Episode 48: Bad, Bad, Bad, Math

Samuel Hansen welcomes Sean Najera into the Combinations and Permutations fold and brings back Eric Everstine and manages to pronounce his name correctly on the first try. The reason that Samuel did this amazing thing was to discuss the wonderful topic that is pseudomathematics.

Even though there commentary on pseudomathematics was beyond reproach, you, the listeners, may want to read some more on the subject so here are some links to more information:

Square the Circle Double the Cube Trisect the Angle
The Wonderful Good Math, Bad math

Also Chuck Knoblauch and Keith Olbermann’s Mom

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Strongly Connected Components Episode 19: Keith Devlin


On today’s, be it which ever day you happen to listen, episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen comes back strong with an interview with NPR Math Guy, Co-Founder of Standford’s H-STAR Institute, and author of many books, including the wonderful and informative Unfinished Game which you should all go pick up right away, Keith Devlin. Keith and Samuel discussed just how one jumps from Set Theory to the study of Mathematical Cognition, the interaction of mathematics and language, and Dr. Devlin’s project that will bring mathematical video games to the masses(provided he can find $500 million). If you want to find out more about Keith Devlin make sure to check out his website and follow him on twitter.

Download this Episode

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Combinations and Permutations 50th Episode Sketch Outtakes 2

For the 50th episode of Combinations and Permutations we are going to try something completely different, and it is going to include sketches. Cody Palmer, Juan mariscal, and Samuel Hansen sat around last week and wrote some sketches and what follows is the unedited version of Juan’s version of a sketch called Kronecker’s Intervention. Enjoy!

Download the file here
