By samuel

Combinations and Permutations Episode 47: Juan Wins?

Samuel Hansen brought in Juan Mariscal, Cody Palmer, and Nathan Rowe together so that they could all talk about the subject which they teach: Trigonometry. Also, Samuel hosts a quick trivia contest.

Here are some links about what was discussed on this episode:
Trigonometric Functions
Law of Sines

Final Scores of Trivia: Juan had 4, Cody had 3, and Nathan had 2

Download the Episode
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Combinations and Permutations 50th Episode Sketch Outtakes

For the 50th episode of Combinations and Permutations we are going to try something completely different, and it is going to include sketches. Cody Palmer, Juan mariscal, and Samuel Hansen sat around last week and wrote some sketches and what follows is the unedited version of Juan’s version of a sketch called Kronecker’s Intervention. Enjoy!

Download the sketch here