Mathematical Origins

In case you were wondering just why I happen to be a mathematician, you can head over to Second-Rate Minds and read an essay that was just published that tells my mathematical origin story:

I interview a lot of mathematicians and one of my favorite topics is the origin story, the why behind their study of mathematics. I have received answers that range from heavy Martin Gardner influence to falling in sideways from engineering. One thing that I have not received is the story of a single moment, a single turning point that turned a civilian into a mathematician; this is just such a story.



SSS Fight 5: Hawking Vs. Susskind


In a house in San Francisco Leonard Susskind heard Stephen Hawking say that black holes ate information, he did not agree.


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Supermassive Black Holes Strings Cover

Deep Black Hole

Black Hole R2


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SCC 46: Timothy Lanzone



On today’s episode of Strongly Connected Components I am joined by Timothy Lanzone the writer and director of the forthcoming movie, Travelling Salesman. The movie is an intellectual thriller about four mathematicians tasked with solving the hardest problem in computer science, and I speak with Timothy about where he got the idea for the movie, how he made sure that the mathematics was correct, and why science movies just may be the new comic book movies. You can find out more about Travelling Salesman by visiting the movie’s website, or by following it on twitter.

Download this Episode
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Fight 4: Galvani Vs. Volta


Galvani wanted to show that animals were inherently electrical, Volta wanted to prove him wrong. In the end it all leads to the Machines using us as batteries, really it does. I promise.


[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Fight 4: Galvani Vs. Volta” dl=”0″]




Cello Pieces by oneoneoneone

Broken Bow


Read more on the battle between Galvani and Volta(and animal electricty) here.


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Fight 3: Priestly vs. Lavoisier vs. Scheele

Scheele did it first, Priestly got the credit, but Lavoisier made it relevant. The discovery of Oxygen was an important turning point in the history of science, and barely any mice had to die.

[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Fight 3: Priestly vs. Lavoisier vs. Scheele” dl=”0″]


Oxygen Garden

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