SCC 45: Neil deGrasse Tyson



On this episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen is joined by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Dr. Tyson is the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium, host of the TV show NOVA scienceNOW, and author of the new book Space Chronicles. Together they discuss the language of the cosmos, just how much people really do care about scientific phenomena, and the importance of looking up. You can find out more about Neil deGrasse Tyson at his website, and do be sure to follow him on twitter and buy, and read, his wonderful new book.

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Fight 2: Shapley Vs. Curtis


Howard Shapley thought that the universe was made of a single “continental” galaxy that was not centered on our solar system. Herber Curtis was of the opinion that our sun was at the center of the Milky Way, but he did not think our galaxy singular. On April 26, 1920 their opinions came head to head in what would later become known as the Great Debate.
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The Trimble Paper


Music and Sound Effects From:

Kenneth Lavrssen
Crowd Noise 1
Crowd Noise 2
Cheers 1
Cheers 2
Boxing Bell (2)


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SCC Episode 44: The Museum of Math


For this episode Samuel Hansen spoke with the people behind the Museum of Mathematics right before the February 2012 Math Encounter talk by Jeff Weeks about the Shape of Space. He spoke with the Chief of Operations Cindy Lawrence, Executive Director Glen Whitney, Chief of Design Tim Nissen, and Chief of Content George Hart about the what, the how, and the when of the soon to be opening museum. Be sure to check out the Museum of Mathematics at their website, register to attend a Math Encounter, and follow them on twitter. Not only that, here is a link to the great web games that Jeff Weeks used during his talk. Practice up and you might be able to best me in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe on a klein bottle.

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Fight 1: Newton Vs. Leibniz


The first fight to be featured in the Science Sparring Society is between the two biggest intellectual heavyweights of the late 17th Century, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Their battle over the Calculus was so epic they call it a war!


Music from:

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