SCC 50: Flatland: The Movies

On today’s episode Samuel Hansen speaks with the Director/Writer/Animator, Dano Johnson, and Producer, Seth Caplan, of the animated mathematics movies Flatland: The Movie and Flatland 2: Sphereland. If you want to watch the movies head on over to their website, where you can buy a dvd or a download. You can also follow their twitters, or like them on the Facebook.

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SSS Fight 11: Marconi Vs. Maskelyne


While most people know about the massive fight over the patents concerning the invention of radio that Gugliemo Marconi found himself embroiled in, that fight was not the most interesting one in which he participated. Instead the fight that this episode of Science Sparring Society concerns itself with involves wireless telegraphy, its security, and the first guy doing it for the lulz.
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Ob Noxious

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SCC 49: Dana Mackenzie



On today’s episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen rings up the recipient of the 2012 Joint Policy Board for Mathematics Communications Award, Dana Mackenzie. He speaks with the author about stealth mathematics, the generalism he has been allowed by journalism, and why using equations in your articles and books may not be such a bad thing. You can find out more about Dana Mackenzie by visiting his website, and be sure to check out his new book, out this year on Princeton University Press, The Universe in Zero Words.

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ACMEScience News Now 4: David Evans

Welcome to ACMEScience News Now, your source for news about science and mathematics research, as well as the researchers behind it. On episode 4 Samuel Hansen is joined by David Evans for a discussion about the Xenoceratops, the new dinosaur that Dr. Evans helped to discover.

The images in the video were provided by David Evans, and are artist renderings of the Xenoceratops and an image of the skull bones.

Check out the YouTube channel where you can join in on the discussion under the video, as well as subscribe so that you do not miss the next episode.


Also, if you enjoy ACMEScience News Now, or any of our other shows here at ACMEScience, please support the site by pledging to our Kickstarter.

SCC 48: Sergei Tabachnikov


On today’s episode of Strongly Connected Components Samuel Hansen has a conversation with Sergei Tabachnikov, Professor at Penn State University and Director of their Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters(MASS) program. Their conversation ranges from mathematical education in the USSR and the wonder of Kvant magazine to the power of mathematical billiards and why international travel helps with research. You can find out more about Sergei Tabachnikov at his website, and be sure to read his essay about Kvant’s history.

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